Products and Images On-Line

OLIP ITALIA spa disclaims any responsibility about the possibility that, due to a particular configuration of the computer used by the customer or a malfunction, the colors of the products shown on the site appear to be slightly different than the original.

The images on site are the property of OLIP ITALIA spa

Any use of these images is not permitted by a written consent of OLIP ITALIA spa Srl will be pursued according to law.

Availability of Items

The range on ebay this reflects the availability of the item in color and size. The online store is in fact connected to the store and all the stores belonging to OLIP ITALIA spa

Once you have received the order request, the department orders reserves the right to re-confirm the availability of the merchandise, the validity of the transaction by credit card and check the details of previous transactions made ?? by the customer on ebay. In the event that the items ordered are not available, or if for some reason the order can not be processed as per the customer's request, the office Orders will give prompt notice to the customer.

Property - Copyright and Trademark

The OLIP ITALIA spa store and all its content is the property of OLIP ITALIA spa This includes documents, images, characters, design, music, software and format scripts.

The material on this website is protected by copyright.

Any reproduction, alteration, transmission, publication or redistribution to third parties for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited without the express written consent provided by OLIP ITALIA spa

OLIP ITALIA spa prohibits the use of content or trademarks in this site for any purpose other than those mentioned above.